Plasma therapy for Spinal Pain

Benefits of Plasma Therapy for Spinal Pain
- Natural healing process
- Increased functionality
- Increased range of motion
- Improves pain relief
- Reduces inflammation
- It is safe, with little or no side effects.
The procedure of PRP Therapy
At first, the doctors examine the patient physically. Once doctors find out the specific pain sources, usually the thoracic (upper back) and lumbar (lower back) regions, they draw the patient’s blood and prepare the PRP mixture. A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm, and it’s spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the blood. It will be a mixture of natural plasma with platelets in high concentrations. This mixture is reinjected in the painful area of the spine. This procedure takes about half an hour and can be done with one local anesthesia only. Patients don’t need to stay overnight; usually, they are released after finishing the procedure.
How does PRP Therapy Work in Chronic Back Pain?
PRP therapy improves the recovery of injured vertebral joints. PRP stimulates the natural immune response by flooding stem cells to the site of pain. Once injected, the stem cells begin to multiply, differentiate, and replace the damaged cartilage.
Conditions of the spine treated with PRP therapy include;
- Lumbar spine disc pain
- Cervical spine disc pain
- Lumbar and Cervical Facet joint arthritis and pain
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and pain
- Lumbar and Cervical Radiculopathy
How Many Injections Need in Spine Therapy?

Recovery after Getting PRP Therapy?
Costs of PRP Therapy
Potential side effects of PRP
- Infection
- Swelling or bruising
- Nerve injuries
- Bleeding
- Pain at the injection site
- Tissue damage